Monday, 8 July 2013

Mertons Water Monitor, Whistling Kite, and others at Litchfield NP and Rum Jungle Lake

Today we went to Litchfield National Park and Rum Jungle Lake from Batchelor where we are staying. The excitement was in the picnic area at Litchfield NP near Florence Falls. I saw two very large Merton's Water Monitors.

Merton's Water Monitor

We also saw some Whistling Kites in the trees near the monitors. We wondered if they were thinking they might be dinner, but they were too big. The Whistling Kites certainly seemed big when they were close up

Whistling Kite

While I was following the Mertons Water Monitors, I noticed this little dragon in amongst the rocks. I think it is a Gilberts Dragon

Gilberts Dragon

At Rum Jungle Lake, we saw lots of birds, here are a few:

Broad-billed Flycatcher

Lemon-bellied Flycatcher

and this Little Pied Cormorant was in the place we were swimming when we first arrived at the Picnic area at Florence Falls.
Little Pied Cormorant

Friday, 5 July 2013

My first selection of wildlife photos

I have collated these photos and I hope you enjoy them! These are all my own photos over the past 2 years.

Double-barred Finches

Green Ants Nest

Black Kite

 Saltwater Crocodile

Large group of Emus

Lace Monitor